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Holes in bent tube?


New member
I have a straight length of square tube. I bent it using the deform to curve tool. I would like to place holes along the outside face of the straight tube (along the direction of the bend) and have those holes show in the bent tube (after the deform). Is there a way to do this? Would another tool provide a better approach? Thanks in advance for any help.


This may be too late a reply, but You can do this by the following procedure;
1) Use Weldment Toolbar to select a standard structural member like SQ STEEL TUBE profile
2) Sweep it on a path of 2000 mm radius arc,
3) Draw a sketch to contain the holes at specific dimensions
4) User Wrap Command to Select Sketch to user and the Face on which it has to be projected.
5) Select De-boss option from this tool to cut material out.
I have attached the file for your reference.

