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How can I solidfy this ’import feature’


New member

I've met a problem of using 'merge' and 'solidfy'

original figure paste. I need to create a surface in the red area. and solidfy the whole.

View attachment 3390

But I find when I have created the surface, I couldn't selected 'merge', which is grayed out, why?
send the image in the"no hidden" view so it will be seen the colors of edges

by this, You can know what geom You have - solid, surfaces

maybe the rest of geom is solid? You can not merge surface with solid, only with another surf
Ok, thanks

that is as you said, others has been solidfied, need I delete the manipulation of 'solidfy' first, and then do 'merge', at last do 'solidfy' to all surface.
To Solidify the import feature
Select the import feature & edit defination > Heel geometry > manual > try to heel the edge by changing the accuracy > done
Then u can solidify the impoted geometry.

