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how do I create a basic surface?


New member
This is a very basic surfacing question: How do you make a basic extruded surface?

I am working on a part that someone else created. There are several extruded surfaces that are invisible, and are used to create curves (and then swept protrusions). They show up in the model tree as "surface id xxxx". I want to create a similar feature. But when I create an extrusion (as a surface), it shows up as a visible surface, and as "extrude x" in the model tree. Why the difference? How is the 1st surface created? I can find no guidance in the help files!

There are a number of surface features that show up as "Surface id xx" in
the model tree. Is it a legacy file? Info -> Feature says? Are you sure
the existing surfaces (either the feature or geometry) are not on a layer
that's been Hidden?

Unless you suspect some particular reason not to, I'd just go with whatever
will work (i.e. the Extrude) and Hide.
Underthe Insert menu Sweep, Blend, Swept Blend, and Helical Sweep have different feature creation options. The surface feature creation option gives a default name of "Surface id xxxx" for each of these types. If you select protrusion you will see a "Protrusion id xxxx". The options extude, revolve, variable section sweep, boundary blend, etc. default name of "(feature type) x". As far as the surface being invisible it is probably hidden in the model tree or the layer that contains the feature is hidden.

For a simple example sketch a straight line, once that feature is created select Insert>Sweep>Surface, choose select trajectory from the menu and select the curve you created, select open or capped ends, and sketch a section.
I bet it's a pre-WF part. The features had a different naming convention then.

I'd also bet that they are on a layer that's blanked. Remember, putting a solid feature on a layer and blanking does not hide the feature, although it will hide 2D items like axis that are a part of the feature. For a surface feature, however, putting the feature on a layer and blanking it hides the surface.
I guess a basic surface with respect to general surfacing would be the four part boundary.

However, PTC seams to consider a basic surface an extrude or fill surface. In WF to create an extruded solid you might sketch a square curve or a round curve feature. While that feature is still highlighted choose the extrude icon and you have a solid. If you have an open sketched entity on the hand.... like a line or an arc.... then hit the extrude icon then you have a surface.

I do not consider ISDX to be complex.

To me complex is like a sentence structure. two complete thoughts with however in there. For a surface to be compound it might be doing something different on each of the four boundaries. To m e to be complex a user might add a graph feature and trajpar variables.

Edited by: design-engine

