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How does the BOM program work in NX 3 ?


New member
Does anyone know how the BOM program in UG NX3 works? I have attributed my parts and have found the parts list tables, which I'll need to modify, and thats about it. Does it automatically assign detail numbers ? Does my model need to be in an assembly ? Please be specific as I'm fairly new to UG. Thanks in advance.
Edited by: gakare
Your model will have to be an assembly for this BOM to work. Add the parts list to a drafting sheet (in top level assy). So you need to modify this to what you need!

At the top or bottom of the list you have a header if you double click in one of those cells you can change the title of that column.

To set the attrubute for each field you right click on the column title and click select column. Then right click again and goto style. Under the columns tabe in the menu box you will find where to set the attrubute name. You also have different column types (general, callout, and Qty).

When you put the template in from ug it will have a callout column at the farleft and it just numbers the items in order. If you use auto cherry this will be the numbers it uses. Or you can do what I do and set your detail #'s with attrubutes in your files (for example det_no=10). And if you leave this column set to call out and change the attribute to det_no, auto cherry will show your numbers on the drawings.

To add columns if you need more right click and select thecolumn you want to add to the left or right of and highlight the column and right click again and goto insert.

Let me know if there is anything else you need or if something isn't clear........

