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How to achieve this interface


New member
I am facing a problem about interface like the dialog below.

View attachment 2418

I want to use a picture as background in a dialog and set some input panels in the picture,but there are no functions can do this,so I want someone can help.
What about to create this dialog in Java and to use JLink instead of Pro/Toolkit? If this dialog is modal, it could work.
Yes you could do that but JLink cannot perform feature creation like Pro/TOOLKIT can. It depends on what you are doing with this interface.
Thank you for your advise.

If I make the interface by Jlink, can I insert it to the menu made by pro/toolkit.

Does it feasible?
I think Jlink can make a menu in the Pro/E toolbar so you do not need to create the menu with Pro/TOOLKIT.
Edited by: williaps
You can use j-link to do this, but you will need to use udf's for the features. I have an app that creates holes like that. Just follow the link to my site and go to the products page. I'm not trying to advertise just show you what you can do with j-link. As for menus in j-link, you have to add to an existing top menu.


Edited by: cmarcum

