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How to assemble multiple parts at once?


New member
Dear all!

Does anyone know how to create mapkey to assemble multiple parts / assemblies to active assembly at once? I want to add parts in "zero parts" rep with default placement option. Zero parts means in this case that all parts in assemblies are excluded and part features are excluded too. Mapkey does not have to create these reps to parts cos' these are already created. I would like to copy set of part names from Excel to Creo at once, not to type name after name. When parts are added to active asm, reps can be changed to e.g. master rep and Ioaded to workspace.

In our company we have this kind of mapkey but it adds parts as included and it is really slow to get parts visible. This mapkey opens new window where I can paste set of name w/o prt or asm extension. This would be very useful if I want to review just certain components in tmp asm from a very large assembly. We are using PDM Link and Creo parametric 2.0. I do not want do add End Item to WS and create reps for it. We have certain reps which are allowed.

Or... Is there simple way to change included component to any rep?

Thanks in Advanced. I hope that someone gets the idea.
Sorry about grammar, this is not my native language.

