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How to assign or modify part densities from within an assembly?


New member
Is there any way to modify or assign the densities of the parts that make up an assembly from within the assembly model? e.g. without having to open each part and assign the density from within each part individually?

I remember many years ago you could do this, at least if a density hadn't been already assigned to the parts.

I am currently using Pro/E WF 4.0 & also CREO 2.0

I doubt it is possible without extra action, at first performed directly inside the models.

I do think so, because of the nature of density in Pro/Engineer. It is both default value or controled by the setting of selected/created material. Simultaneusly you can control density by appropriate parameter and relation.

Then(parameter, relation) you can display density paremeter directly in Assembly model tree as separete column.

Insert desired value to indicated components from this position. Easy, fast, reliable but not possible if components miss discussed parameter.

Second solution I would think about would be Model check.
Sure you can. Use the tree to show the density parameter for all models, you can then change them to whatever you want.
It is located under: Tree Columns > Type = Mass Properties Parameter > MP_DENSITY

