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How to change model’s metadata?


New member
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right cathegory for this thread, if not, apologize me, mods, and move it please.

The problem is, I've made model, assembly and drawings in ProE Wildfire 2.0 in the school in while when I was logged on to computer with my friend's nick and password. And now it could look like his work(someone told me these informations are written somewhere in the model).
Is there any way to change it to correct one not to allow someone see his name there? Thanks for answers, David
Yes, the audit trail will show his login name. I think honesty is the best policy here. Tell him up front wheat happened. I would think that if your work and his aren't identical, you'd be OK.

You can also try creating a new blank file (using your log in) and then use File -> Copy From and browse to your old model. This will reset the audit trail. Your part needs to be completely empty, no default planes. Keep in mind, if you and your friend were, uh, 'collaborating' on this part, the tree will be identical and audit trail or no, the instructor will be suspicious. That will not help your assy (I'm not sure if 'copy from' exists for assemblies) or drawings either.

But really, I think honesty is a better policy.
Thanks for answers. You were right, I talked to my teacher today and it was without a problem, so it wasn't necesary to change it..

You smell a rat? why?

Thanks again, David
I think he was saying that whensomeone comes in on their first post hereandsays (essentially)"My friend's name is accidentally on my work." folks get suspicious of what's really going on.

Glad you worked it out.
Oh, I see :)
No, it wasn't really about cheating(I have no problem to be sincere, even when I'm anonymous here ;). It was as I described. I'm from Czech Republic and this forum was the best one I found on google. So don't be so suspicious ;)
You should check as well. Their forums are a bit clunky (they work better as email lsits actually) but there are more long time users there, although this place is gaining.
pjw said:
I am suspicious too now you've told me not to be.
your problem.

dgs said:
You should check as well. Their forums are a bit clunky (they work better as email lsits actually) but there are more long time users there, although this place is gaining.

thanks for nice tip, I'm gonna chceck it. I'm beginner in ProE and every information source is important for me.

