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how to create Symmetric curves in ISDX?


Super Moderator
Hi All,
is there a way to make two softpoints of a spline symmetrical across a plane (position and tangent values) inside isdx?(with no reference to outside entities) ofcourse its possible to set each point as 'offset from plane' and insert equal distances manually, but it won't create any symmetric constraints between the points.

Edited by: solidworm
For the tangent & position values, you can check the box next to them to make them available for editing. You can then create relations & parameters. Other than that, there isn't much parametric control inside the Style feature.

By the way, I've been watching a lot of the news lately about Tehran 2.0 and how Persians are reinventing the twitternet. Are you staying safe over there?
It still seems like ISDX is bolted on. There's definitely room for improving its integration with the rest of the pro/e.

Another thing I noticed recently is the new model tree doesn't always have the style features in order. I'm not on pro/e nowso I don't recall if they just show up randonly or there is some reason for it. I do think, for example, if you add a curve after a surface and then use that curve to build the surface, the curve is re-ordered in the model tree. Everybody keeps talking about how the direct modeling revolution is going to replace parametric, but it seems like they already have got it in ISDX.
relations work with ISDX... you have to use my bounding box techniques.Plus you can export the length of the yellow handle so it can be parametrized outside of the ISDX feature. Then you can control the length with a relation.
yes. bounding box works. i was looking for a way to do it inside isdx without the need to switch back and forth to ProE and ISDX.
thnaks alot mgnt8 and bart for your help.


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