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How to do Mirrored Merge


New member

Can anyone explain me how to do a Mirrored merge. I was trying this from long time but I didnt get the solution for it.

Thanks in Advance

Two ways:

In part mode select the part XXX.prt from the top of your model tree and seleect Edit>Mirror. Select your plane. the model up to that point in the model tree will be mirrored.

You can create a mirror part in an assembly. In the assembly level, create a new part:

Insert>Component>Create>Mirror and then select your mirror type.

hope this helps.

pjw said:
You can create a mirror part in an assembly. In the assembly level, create a new part:

Insert>Component>Create>Mirror and then select your mirror type.

hope this helps.


This way requires a new name of the mirrored part. I find that odd.
thats because it is a new part model. Its like you model a right handed part and now you want a left handed part.

Themirrored mergewould be like you have a symmetric part and you model half of the part and want the other half of the same model.

Word to the wise, don't use mirror merges. Copy solid surfaces, mirror, and solidify instead. It will be much more robust and you wont have to fight through all of the datums that get mirror, plus it will regenerate much faster.


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