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how to do this


New member
hi all,

i started this year with solidworks, because it belongs to a part off my edication.

it the most fun lesson to do so thats no problem.

i wanted to draw something @ home .. just to have a goal.. so i decided to draw my pc.
and a part of it is a fence/gauze thats in front of a air opening..

but that is a quit tricky thing to do (for me), to define all the lines and extrude or resolve all the lines.. i hope i tell/explane this all the right way

here are some pics to (hopefully) make it easier to understand what im talking about.

this is it in 2D, as you can see not all the lines are black yet.. and i dont know wich lines i have to define (hope "define" is the right word for it?? my "solidworks english" isn't that great).

eventualy all the lines have to become something like this:
and i dont know how to that aswell..:

here is the .part file (for Solidworks 2007, the one 1 use) from the 1st picture.
click here (dont mension the name "roostertest" its dutch

i'll hope someone can help and explane it to me...( id like to learn it myself aswell)

thanks in advance

Edited by: mikeymika
I would say the easiest way to achieve your "fence" is
1) do your frame work, centered about the origin
2) construct your 45 degree part feature from a corner
3) mirror the 45 feature
4) then do a linear pattern of the 45 and the mirror feature
5) then just do some trimming to clean up the extra bits extending past the frame ends

I'd dop it slightly differently from ridein.

1 - sketch a cross-section of the wire fence

2 - Extrude it longer than what you need it to be

3 - Feature pattern this

4 - Repeat steps 1,2 and 3 but at 90 degrees to the first feature.

5 - sketch a rectangle around the fence the desired size and use this to trim.

If you want, send me your e-mail and I'll send you a SW example.

Step 1.
Create a Rectangular Sketch for your outer fence shape and sweep a circular Section around it. You can use this feature later to trim off the excess of the patterned features.

The method I'm about to describe uses two sweeps and one pattern instead of a mirror feature. This would work better if the cross beams were not at a 45 degree angle from the base wire of the frame.

Step 2.
Create an X shape section as your first section and position it with the center point below the bottom of the fence.
Align the end points of the X lines to the sides of the rectangular sketch used for the first feature.

Step 3.
Create two Planes through the endpoint and normal to each of the lines of the X.
select one of these planes and create a 3D Sketch on it and sketch a circle on the end of the X section used to create the plane dimension the diameter.

Double click the other plane to activate it as another reference plane for your 3d Sketch and sketch and dimension another circle which you can drive by relation.

Use the relation tool by selecting the diameter and clicking Σ, then click Add and pick the other dimension and hit OK.
Step 4.
When selecting references for your sweeps right click and select Contour Selection.
(This selection type allows you to pick individual curves from a section to use as references instead of the entire sketch. This now works on more than extrusions.)
Step 5.
When doing your pattern you can pattern both features in a feature pattern and use a sketch dimension or a direction.

Step 6. option A
Then insert a Split Feature using the first feature and select consume bodies and select the bodies to remove and they will highlight and show up with a checked box in the Scissors column.

Step 6. option B
Create a swept surface feature using the recangular sketch as path and a section like the txt image shown below.
|C |

Use this Surface to cut the excess features by Choosing Insert > Feature > Cut with surface and point the arrow towards the outside to remove the excess.

I'll post pics soon on MCADcentral when it lets me, I got an error last time I tried.
Or you can use this link.



Edited by: mjcole_ptc


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