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How to draw a basic plastic gear?


New member
I want to draw a plastic gear such as the one in the picture attached.

It is not the involute gear, but a basic teeth gear that is used in many household products.

I really cannot find any information on the Internet. I am looking for information on drawing the base circle, calculating teeth and diameter, teeth size etc.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • gears.JPG
    14.5 KB · Views: 18
Find out from the manufacturer what standard/specifications they are using. My guess is that it is indeed an involute spline method but with addendum/dedendum modifications that make it look different from what you recognize as a standard involute spline gear and/or a different pressure angle.

I would use the following references:
Machinery's handbook
Mechanical engineering design, Shigley & Mischke

Online, you can find many vendors with helpful information
The tech library on is really good that I got myself a hardcopy of their catalog.
The tech section on any of the catalogs at are good.
There are others but I can't pull them up at the moment.

