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How to draw spline exactly?

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Hi Tuan

Its hard to understand ur question that how to draw spline?? man u r using proe and dont know how to draw spline?? If u ask how to modify and control so it can be understand.

After all, more u put the points on sketch more u can control the spline . u can also control endpoint dimensions by go to dimension at sketch level and click on end point, spline and adjucent center line or reference line etc.

View attachment 1981
Hi ZaKi

How to redraw spline exactly?

Draw spline by many points, the Spline isn't Smooth.

Draw spline bylittle points, the Spline is Smooth but no exactly.
LOL Zaki, you have got yourself into a tough one here
The best practice to draw spline is to use as little points as possible (adding to much points it is difficult to make spline smooth)

You can smooth spline to select spline > RMB > Modify > now you have control of smoothness and you can move points to achieve better smoothness (see pic).

Hi Skint

Doesnt matter man, I like challenges and tough jobs. Actually, may you people dont beleive that I learnt pro my self only, the only knowledge before pro I had tha Autocad and some basic steps on Solid Edge. But by accepting challnges and tough jobs now I have more than100 peoples I had teach pro. My basic job is mold dies plastic products, jigsfixtures designing and manufacturing etc. But I must get some timeformodeling at home.


I tried to open your file, but for some reason I cannot.

When drawing a spline, you may need to add dimensions to the endpoints. You can dimension the angle of the endpoint by selecting the endpoint of the spline, the spline itself, and a reference (like a centerline or datum plane) and then place the dimension with the center button. Yes, it is 3 picks to do this, unlike other dimensions.

Once you have the endpoint angle dimensions, you can select the spline and then the edit button (where you can use the scrolling wheels to change the values of dimensions). Instead of the scrolling wheel dialog, you will see the spline editing buttons in the dashboard area. I find the most useful thing here is to control polygon button which lets you drag the polygon into shape.

You can also dimension the curvature at the endpoint of the spline by selecting the endpoint and then placing the dimension. This is nice after you have done the dragging above to help solidfy the shape and keep if from moving. Of course this can cause problems later if you are changing the model around a lot.

These two dimensions may help you create the form you are looking for. As stated above, keep the spline as simple as possible. Just like with surfacing, over constraining will lead to bad curvature.

Hope this helps,
Hi Tuan

I check ur part man, but u didnt point out that what u want to get actually by these splines???


