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how to find the drawings made for a part


New member
We all know that we can trace the part for which a drawing is made from the drawing mode.

Is there a way by which I can find all the drawings made for a part or assembly from the Part or Assembly mode...?

Am I missing something...?
I think Pro\e itselfs does not write such an info down in model or assembly. It does write external refs which one you could find in Info>Global Reference Viewer, but there You won`t find anything concernig drawings

so I suppose answer is no, but I hope I am wrong:)
muadib3 isnot wrong. To be able to view relationships "upwards" is one of the key functionsina cad file manager like intralink.
You can just do a search in Windoze Explorer. Look for filename *.drw.* containing text part_name (no extension).
findmymother will find all of the drawings associated with a part or assembly, but you have to use Windows Explorer to open the file. I don't know of a way to find associated drawingswhile still withinpart or assembly mode.
Could you setup a relation in a drawing format that modifies a part/assembly parameter whenever it get's pulled into the drawing by appending the drawing filename? Not sure if that's clear, but I've got a thought that I may have to go try out. In my spare time...


