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how to get rid ofpipe centerlines in dwgs


New member
How the heck do I get rid of the centerline of a pipe in a drawing?

Just created a piece of tubing and I want to make a drawing of it without the centerline in it. Automatically throws a centerline in there, which really screws up what I need to do. Thanks in advance.
In the draw.dtl file there is a setting called hlr_for_pipe_solid_cl Set this to no and it should remove the centerlines. This will only work if the pipe was created with pro-piping. You can also try using layers.

Hope this helps
Ah, that is my dilemma though. I did not use pro/piping. Sorry, should have explained more earlier. But I don't have pro/piping available to me. I don't think anyways. I'm assuming it's a seperate license that we don't pay for, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Created datum points, went to Insert => Advanced => piping and clicked on the datum points to create it. So no pro/piping. I found the thread mentioned above already and it didn't help me in any way.

Also can't figure out what layer it is in, because anytime I try to hide a layer on that piece, it removes the whole piece of pipe from the assembly drawing.

had this problem years ago when modelling cable runs using the pipe command - here's how we solved it then:-

  1. <LI>in part containing pipe features create layer ie PIPE_AXES</LI>
    <LI>put pipe features on this layer (make sure its not on any other layer)</LI>
    <LI>blank/hide layer (depending on Pro/E version using)</LI>
    <LI>repaint to preview layer changes (the pipe solid goemetry remains and the axes have gone - job done)</LI>
    <LI>save layer status</LI>

in drawing repeat items 3to 5above

there you go

Hi Dave

Thanks for the tip. Works great. This has been a problem for quite some time now



