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How to give Boundary Influence

Shinto Mathew

New member
Can any one tell, how to give boundary influence for blended boundary surfaces.

when giving boundary infuluance to the surface i'm not able to see any differances.
Boundary Influence option is available in Feature-->Create-->Surface-->New-->Advanced--&gt ;Boundary--->Blended Option. This option will work like the following figure. But it is not working........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 1582
Looking at your menu picks I'm guessing you are using pre-Wildfire (which I've never seen). What you are showing is "side curve influence" in WF. If it's not working perhaps you can copy and post the surfaces you are dealing with (along with Pro/E version) and maybe someone can figure it out.

One guess: You haven't defined a boundary continuity constraint (G1, G2). I don't think the side curve influence can work on G1 boundaries.

Correction: should say "don't think it can work on G0 boundaries".
Edited by: jeff4136

