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how to import image into sketcher


New member
hello proe gurus..

I need to import an image into the sketcher in order to use it as a template to create the logo of a company. I will later on use the sketched logo to create an offset surface.

But my main question to import the image (I have available as jpeg of tiff) into the sketcher without any distortions? The height to width relation should be maintained. I will later reduce the size of the image to fit it to the part.

thank you

I don't think you can import it into sketcher directly, but you can create a Fill Area feature of the right aspect ratio (ratio between height & width) and use the Color and Appearances editor to apply the image to the Fill as a decal.
design-engine said:
you should be able to do it in sketcher don't you guys think?

Hmmm... I dunno. Maybe... but the way it is now works. I think it's sort of "6 of 1, half a dozen of the other" situation. If you added it in sketcher, would you expect the fill decal to stay visible when the sketch definition is complete? Would you want to add another option to control whether it's toggled on or off on a per-sketch-feature basis? It seems like a very minor convenience that would raise a lot of actual implementation discussions (which = time, cost, and less development on other things; and before you start, I know, they've implemented some things that make you say "WHY DID YOU DO THAT??").

Anyway, people are free to send enhancement requests [to the void]...
Atthe surfacing technical comitte meeting, i was told that in the next release of pro/E , there will be another way ofdelaing with"traced sketches" . Looked good to me.

Regarding to "trace a sketch" inside sketcher, what do you(everyone at mcad) think would be appropriate to happend when you exit the sketch? hide the pic, or leave it visible? If visible, then how would you be able to hide it, without hiding the sketch? Maybe by making it a separate feature...? like if you make a datumplane whlie doing an extrude , it becomes a separete feature.

Tobias, this is how I see it:

there should be an "easy" way to add a backdrop picture as a separate feature, without having to deal with appearances or having ISDX installed. I don't think it should be available only in the sketcher environment, I see it more like a custom datum feature that you can add when you need it, with proper scaling and aligning function like it is now in ISDX. And if you are already in the sketcher env you should be able to add this datum too, and then have it embedded in the sketch feature like you do with geometry points or geometry centerlines.

I also think that it would be silly to have a completely different implementation than what is already in ISDX, just allow every level of license to add ISDX-like trace sketches as datum features ;)


