<DIV =wordwrap nd="3">Hello,
Does anybody know how to import external load data into Pro/Mechanica?
A non-commercial simulation program provides me with multiple load vectors (and attachement coordinates for these). The attachement points for these loads can easaly be set up in pro/E using "Offset Coordinate System Datum Point Tool" and then load a .pts-file. </DIV>
<DIV =wordwrap nd="3">But how can I import the load vectors into Mechanica?
Do I have to manually fill in the X;Y;Z values in the dialog "New Force/Moment Load"?
Kind regards
Does anybody know how to import external load data into Pro/Mechanica?
A non-commercial simulation program provides me with multiple load vectors (and attachement coordinates for these). The attachement points for these loads can easaly be set up in pro/E using "Offset Coordinate System Datum Point Tool" and then load a .pts-file. </DIV>
<DIV =wordwrap nd="3">But how can I import the load vectors into Mechanica?
Do I have to manually fill in the X;Y;Z values in the dialog "New Force/Moment Load"?
Kind regards