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how to make constrains flexible


New member
Hi all,

I have a question. I have in a assembly a sub-assembly with 2 parts. In the assembly i want to change the position of the 2 parts in the sub assembly. Imake in teh assemblythe sub-assembly flexible and click on 1 of the 2 parts. All i get now are the dimensions of the part, and not the constrain dimentions of this part in the sub-assembly.

How can i sellect a constrain dimension?

Temporary i make a plane in the sub-assembly and place a part on it. In the assembly i make the sub-asm flexible and then i sellect the plane. Now i do get a dim that i can change and control indirectly the posision of teh part.

I hope some1 has a better solution

thanx for all

1. Make sure you use an offset value when constraining the two parts you want to control-Even if that value is zero

2. While in the sub-assy do Edit-->setup-->Flexibility. When propmted to select a part, select the part from the model tree, This will turn on the constraining dimension for the flexibility.

3. Add sub-assy to main assy.

4. select sub-assy and make flexible or edit definition to make flexible. This should give the desired results

Hope this helps


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