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how to mirror a pattern ?


New member
Hello there,

I have a problem mirroring a pattern. I have4 holes patterned in circle aroundtheir axis that I want to be mirrored by a plane (in fact I have several packs of 4 holes, so that I cannot do it in another than mirroring). So I try like always, selecting the feature I want to mirror (the pattern) go to edit and try to choose mirror, but the icon is greyd out ... !! So I don't know how should I do it ??

I also tried to group the pattern but it does not work either ...

Anybody knows how to do it ?

Edited by: ronfya
This is what you aretrying to do? Look at the model tree. I did axis pattern first and mirrorred it by side plane. Doesnt have any problem to mirror.
Another method you can do. Select the group which has main hole and axis patterned holes - Edit - Copy(CTRL+C) - Edit - Paste special - Check two options shown below - selectdirection reference - giverequired value to move.

You can copy and move the feature everywhere inside the base feature by applying another second move and selecting another reference direction in the second picture. I hope this helps you.
I didnt mentioned anywhere in earlier post thatthe copy or mirror feature is possible only in WF3, but its possible in WF2 too.
OK this really stars to bother me now ... I still cannot mirror a pattern and I don't understand why as everybody here do not seem to have a problem of doing so ... Any idea why my mirror command in the edit menu stays greyed out even if I pre-select the pattern ??? I also tried to group the pattern but this does not work either ...

ronfya said:
Hello there,

I have a problem mirroring a pattern. I have
It's not just you, like I posted earlier, I believe it's an improvement to WF3. I could be wrong, but I think it was asked early on in WF3 release, what some of the improvements are, andupon reading this particular one, I thought great. I'm doing the same as Ashok is suggesting and can't do it either. We are to be going to WF3 this year finally and looking forward to utilizing this.
Do yourholes haveother features ina group such as a chamfer added as a seperate feature to the hole? I get the situation you describe when doing this. I also get this when I pattern the features individually and try to mirror them. I can mirror the hole feature but not the chamfer. A way to do this is to mirror the groups first then pattern them starting with themirrored groups and patterning the first group last.
ronfya said:
OK this really stars to bother me now ... I still cannot mirror a pattern and I don't understand why as everybody here do not seem to have a problem of doing so ... Any idea why my mirror command in the edit menu stays greyed out even if I pre-select the pattern ??? I also tried to group the pattern but this does not work either ...

ronfya said:
Hello there,

I have a problem mirroring a pattern. I have4 holes patterned in circle aroundtheir axis that I want to be mirrored by a plane (in fact I have several packs of 4 holes, so that I cannot do it in another than mirroring). So I try like always, selecting the feature I want to mirror (the pattern) go to edit and try to choose mirror, but the icon is greyd out ... !! So I don't know how should I do it ??

I also tried to group the pattern but it does not work either ...

Anybody knows how to do it ?


If any of Your features has external references, You cannot do it in WF2, WF3, WF4 etc...

If any of Your features has external references, You cannot do it in WF2, WF3, WF4 etc...


In this case you need to open the assembly that contains the parts and create the features in assembly mode. In the following I created a duplicate plate that had an external reference to the center axis of the hole pattern in the top right. I then used the same procedures for mirroring and patterning as I mentioned before.
To handle the external reference you can create a publish geometry feature in the part where the reference is coming from and a copy geometry feature in the part you are trying to create the feature in.

