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How to Model - Fitting to Fitting


New member
I am would like to know if there is an easy way or what is the best way
to model flexible tubing that would connect one fitting to another (we do
not have piping). See attached jpg for what I am trying to do.

Thanks in advance.

View attachment 3617

Easiest way to do this (without Pro/Pipe) would be to create a sketched datum curve between the two fittings and then to produce a swwept thin protrusion based on that trajectory

I just tried that and can see the spline, but how about the pipe definition? I put in the pipe diameter in the options but all i get is a line representing the spline that I created.

some people in the military sector (I have heard and see with me own eyes) have used ISDX for routing thru an assembly thru top down design. Then you sweep the solid circle up the isdx curve. Updates wonderfully. I understand ISDX will work in assembly mode with WF4.0


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