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How to model it?

looks like .... something

Could you make a projection say top or side, then maybe someone could help you better.

Because like this I see a protrusion revolve but also a strange surface in space.
I could not understand what is the problem you face to make such a simple part. or plz attach the drawing, dimensions so I could understand where the problem is exist.
Well the thing is that there is no step from the bottom surface , it is shifted towards + z direction, as far as dim. is concerned u can take any dims. to make it as u like.

[email protected]
Edited by: seanaarchr
Could you show some other view? It looks like the "front" but it's hard to see it as anything other than a flat object as such.
do u have any pics?? its not easy to understand even after ur statement. is it extruded surface, or what???
I believe this is what you are talking about, If so let me know and I will help you to create

3d view

View attachment 3335

Top View

View attachment 3336

This is just done by intersecting 2 curves and sweeping. The geometry can be controlled better, but this is just for illustration

Hope this Helps
Hi seanaarchr,
As jraquet said "You can make it with three simple surfaces, connect the surfaces and then thicken", I explain it step by step.
1. Extrude surface 1, 2, 3.
2. Merge suface 1,2,3.
3. Thicken surface
View attachment 3357
Hope this help

Edited by: foolmankh
Hello Pal!

Thank u very much for ur help. But the thing is that I can't visualise how to offset the 3,2 part from the1 part.
Hello All!

Well i want to say that how we will extrude the surface designated no 1 & 2in above model by making it an offset towards +ve z direction and surface no. 3 in -ve z direction. Remember that it is not a simple to extrude. Surface no 1 & 2 are lying in 1 direction or in 1 line where as the surface designated 3 in above model is a little bit offset towards +ve z direction or in simple words suppose u r seeing the above model , then surface no 1,2 will be in same plane and the surface no 3 will tend to moove away from u or will go in opposite direction.

Thank u very much for giving me attention.

Actually it is a hook which is fitted in a CNC machine and we have to design it.

Please help me to figure this such a simple thing.

[email protected]
The easiest way to make an object connecting three features out-of-plane is with surfaces or styles. You can make thin features but then the connecting seams don't always look great.

For this model I created a flat surface for feature 1 and 3. If they are coplanar you can create a single sketch and fill the parts. To give the designer more options I created 1 and 3 on different planes (variable z depth).

View attachment 3358

Boundary one, now select Fill:

View attachment 3359

View attachment 3360

Create the second boundary (again, I created a datum offset to make an adjustable z-depth for face 3) then fill the boundary.

View attachment 3361

Now create two additional boundary curves. I created a sketch on two different datum planes normal to the original plane but connecting the endpoints of the desired arcs.

Once the arcs are created you can create a boundary surface using the style tool.

View attachment 3362

View attachment 3363

Select surfaces from boundary curves then select the four edge curves:

View attachment 3364

View attachment 3365

Now you can merge the surfaces. Select two and then select the merge tool

Do the same for the first merge and the third surface

View attachment 3366

(With the surfaces merged you can add rounds if you would like)

View attachment 3367

With or without rounds, now thicken the surface model:

View attachment 3368

View attachment 3369

now you have a fully parametric model.

Here are the three orthographic views

View attachment 3370

You can also use sheet-metal to make the part...


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