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How to Model- Safety Pin.


New member
Am trying to model a safety pin, but does not know how to start. i did find some iges models of safety pin but the surface of it does not look good enough for rendering purposes. Can anyone tell us the steps to model it or to find a pro-e model of safety model.
Hmmm it looks like a nice idea, I should try and model one myself... but I don't have safety pins to look at at the moment, just pictures. It doesn't look too complex though, why are you unsatisfied with available models?

the surfaces of the available iges models has too many triangular faces.. i mean.. surfaces are not clean/smooth. the purpose of this model is to make some rendering of badges with this pin attached, this iges model makes the entire rendered model look not so real..
smilingdragon said:
the surfaces of the available iges models has too many triangular faces.. i mean.. surfaces are not clean/smooth. the purpose of this model is to make some rendering of badges with this pin attached, this iges model makes the entire rendered model look not so real..

I understand, but you mean security pins like this: or not?

I tried modeling something, it is not as easy as it sounded first, it depends what style of clip you want to obtain, this is my first try...
you got it in the first shot.. Looks nice. this is exact what i am trying to model. can you please guide with the steps. or can i get the model you are working on.
thanks in advance
The pin itself is not so hard, basically i sketched the circles and tangent arcs (this is not completely correct, as when the pin is open the longer portions should be straighter).

I created a spring and straight portion through VSS, kept them a little away so that I was then able to blend them using style or boundary blends.

the other straight portion is just a VSS using a curve that has been projected to the top plane, but if you want to put the tip as in a closed clip you should remodel the curve so that it goes back to the bottom.

There are other ways to blend the parts together, but for this case it works quite well.

I then made the tip, similarly, I created a revolved surface to the end of the curve, then blended it with the rest of the part

be careful with the tip dimensions, or the point is gonna bulge :)

The other part is easier if you make it like "modern" safety clips, other models are different and more contoured, anyway, I basically drew a curve and made a VSS with it:

The section is a simple arc with straight lines.

I then created an "offset with draft" where the area sketched was as follows, and the draft about 40

i was thinking to make the small part in sheet metal
sanjeevkar1 said:
i was thinking to make the small part in sheet metal

I thought the same, but I'm learning sheet metal right now, if you can post something it will be greatly appreciated :D

Dear Paolo,
I tried the variable section sweep to get the two pin ends.
Used the Helical sweep to get the round section( at the end)
but i am facing difficulties in blending the two sections.
Can you provide the pro-e part file, which will be much usefull for me to proceed further.
kiran kumar.
smilingdragon said:
Dear Paolo,

Can you provide the pro-e part file, which will be much usefull for me to proceed further.

kiran kumar.

Ok, but it is in WF5.0 format...

Basically what I did is creating a blend between the two top halves of the circular ends of the pin part you already modeled, using ISDX.

