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How to move workspace in the same compute


New member
Hey folks.

I am still new in Pro/eandwe use WF2 and Intralink 3.4 . I found I just set the wrong path of workspace on my computers , but users have created some workspaces of their own , now ,i want to move them to the correct way ? what shoud i do ? thanks!

I move the .pro1 to the correct path , and add set PDM_LDB_PATH= d:\proj , but it doesn't work .
I will tell you tommorow. I didnt touch Ilink from last six months so I will check today and tell you tomorow. But YOu post it in wrong forum. Its only modeling forum. you must go to Data Management.
In my experience the PDM_LDB_PATH only works for redirecting the path for a newly created .proi directory (Default = %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%).
Upon inspecting the Local.ddb file in a text editor I found that the FULL path to the file locations are listed.
The PDM_LDB_PATH only tells Intralink where the .proi directory is/should be located.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
Example Local.ddb listing: C:|Documents and Settings|rbinder|.proi|WIP|8000-1887-cweight.drw<O:p></O:p>
When the .proi directory is moved these paths don
By chance I found this on the internet after I sent the above reply.
It should do exactly what you want.

<H4><A name=ldbconvert>Relocating an intralink .proi folder</A></H4>
<DD><A name=ldbconvert>When you copy a .proi folder to a new location (and set the PDM_LDB_PATH accordingly) you can't open the Pro/E files, because the Local.ddb file still points to the old location. But you can use the unsupported ldbconvert tool to make the files available on the new location. </A>

<A name=ldbconvert>Example: </A>

<A name=ldbconvert>User Paul needs to work on a copied .proi from peter which was located on d:\users\peter\
Paul's environment variable PDM_LDB_PATH is set to c:\users\paul\ILINK (so that's where his .proi folder is stored).

<A name=ldbconvert>He now moves his own .proi folder out of the way and places the copied .proi folder in c:\users\paul\ILINK. He can then start Intralink and browse in the newly copied workspaces. He can even start a linked Pro/E session. But opening any model will result in an error (model cannot be retrieved). </A>

<A name=ldbconvert>He can fix this by running the ldbconvert tool:
</A><A name=ldbconvert>Usage: ldbconvert <ldb_path> <flag_reset_userdata> <port@host> <file_path>
ldbconvert <ldb_path> <flag_reset_userdata> <old_port@old_host> <new_port@new_host> <old_file_path> <new_file_path>
set flag_reset_userdata to 1 for reseting, 0 for not reseting Userdata

<A name=ldbconvert>The first line is the format to reconfigure a .proi folder to a new location. The second line can be used if you need to configure a different server or different port numbers. </A>

<A name=ldbconvert>Paul should run it like this:
</A><A name=ldbconvert>ldbconvert c:\users\paul\ILINK 1 7777@dataserver c:\users\paul\ILINK</A></PRE>

Proe crashes opening assemblies after moving .proi folder

Hi, I have moved my .proi folder from one area to another and encountered the same issues mentioned in other threads. I have followed the instructions to set PDM_LDB_PATH in the environment variables which did not correct it. I then followed the instructions to reset the location using the ldbconvert tool which allowed partial success in that it only crashes proe on assemblies, both .asm & .drw everything else opens ok.

It goes through the motions of opening but fails at the last. Any advise would be grateful, thanks

