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how to reduce the regen time


Reducing regeneration timelikeassemblies of around 2500 parts i would recommend you should use simplified representation. Create a representation for sub-assemblies in order to reduce regeneration time and also use Instance acceleration to make regeneration more faster.hope it helps..

Alternatively, you may wish to consider suppressing some of the finer features, parts, or sub-assemblies. Resumeall upon completion of your assembly model. But you gotta be very careful doing this..
Here is something to consider when regeneration time of your large assembly is high:

Try to avoid using assembly cuts that intersect with a lot of parts !!

I tend tomake cuts in assemblies to be able to 'look inside'. Afterwards I suppress or delete them.

It seems that this dramatically increases regeneration time as well as the file size of the assembly.
One of my assemblies had a file size of 220 MB with the assembly cut. Without the assembly cut, file size was reduced to ... below 1 MB !!
Another one was reduced in size from 6750 KB to 50 KB. Regeneration time also improves a lot .

Knowing this, I try to use simplified reps instead of assembly cuts, or delete the cuts as soon as possible after using them.

Just a tip ...

Kind regards

Edited by: EddyVE
If you just want to look inside a part, create a cross section through view> view manager, then set the display to active. It is a very quick way to see a cross section without having to make a cut. And there isn't the long regeneration times like when you suppress and resume a cut.

do you mean create a cross section from inside View Manager ?
I don't know how to do that ..

Kind regards
Or do you mean 'Tools / model sectioning'...?

That works, but rotating and panning are terribly slow now ...

Edited by: EddyVE
I turned 'Capped Clipping' off and now rotating and panning is again faster, but all solids now seem hollow ...
The view manager is something I usein Wildfire 2.0, I don't remember if it existed in version 2001 or before.

Go to Edit>View Manager. Create a New x-section if needed. Below I'm showing a single part, but it works in assemblies also. Right click on the desired cross section and select Set Active. A red arrow indicates what is being shown. To return to normal Set Active on No Cross Section.

View attachment 1424

View attachment 1425


I am using WildFire 1.0 and the View manager seems a little different than in 2.0.
In 1.0 I think I have to use 'Model sectioning' to accomplish something simular.

But like I said, the cut solids look hollow. Maybe there is a setting that avoids this ..

Thanks for the info!

Kind regards
You're right about it being slow in WF1... we were glad when we upgraded to WF2 + the cross-sectioning is much quicker, plus looks neater (sectioned parts retain their true colour, rather than the previous all-red look).


