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how to reference relations in assembly?


New member
I have a welded assembly called as asm001.asm there are 2 parts in that (part001.prt and part002.prt) part002 has been welded to part001.
my requirement is the weld edge preparation feature has a parameter called as weld depth this parameter value must be always half of teh thickness of part002
how can i relate this parameters, and wat should be done if i need the same in multiple similar assembly drawings.
any help wld be appreciated.

The only way I know to carry a parameter across different parts/assemblies is via layout. Create a layout, add the needed parameter there. Declare the layout to your parts/assemblies. This is a very simplistic explanation, but that should give you enough info to figure out the rest. It's actually a fairly simple thing to do.

Good luck.

Relations in the Assembly


I hope "weld_depth" is the parameter created in assembly,

Now in the assembly relations page, type as per below


here d1 is the thicknesss dimension name and ":0" part identificaton,
weld_depth is equal to half of the thickness of part

to know dimension name and part identification,

Open the assembly relations page,
just double click on the part, now click on the thickness dimension, the dimension name and part identification is automatically added in the relations page,

Now you can create the relation as mentioned above.

I hope this will solve the issue.

