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How to save outer surfaces only


New member
Hi everybody,

How can I save the outer surfaces onlyof an assembly, keeping thefile size to a minimum as well ?<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I need this file to createpackages for our products.

We use WF 2 and XP-pro.

I will appreciate ifsomebodycan help me ASAP.


El danes
Thanks Robertib,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I think thatI needed to be more specific with my question.

I knowthat shrink-wrap exist. But I needmore specific help with its settings.

I have had different scenarios using that:

1) The file still has holes (yellow lines)

2) It takes all internal parts and creates a whole one quilt (including ribs and other
Disable Auto Hole Filling option and set Quality to a higher value, let's say 5 (you should try to create few shrinkwraps with diffewrent quality settings so you'll get appropriate results).
Thanks skraba,

but after getting somehelp from PTC, we concluded that the file size was still as big as a normal step/iges file, so we dropped the case and used this last mentioned for packaging.


