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How to show feature dimensions?

I'm assuming you mean show these dimensions on a print:

In your model, make sure the feature dimensions you want to display are marked for drawing: right click on the dimension, make sure "mark for drawing" is checked.

(You can set that all dimensions are marked by default when creating models by going to Tools > Options > System Options tab > Drawings > Check "Mark all part/assembly dimensions...")

In the drawing, on the annotation toolbar, click Model Items
(or Insert > Model Items). In the property manager you can set the type of dimensions you want to show. You can also set what view you want to show them in.

You can only globally set to show dimension names: Tools > Options > System Options tab > General >Check "show dimension names"

If you want to show all dimensions in a part file, right click Annotations in your FeatureManager tree, then click "Show Feature Dimensions."


