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I’m Being Electricuted!


New member
I need help fast! I am modeling and electronic drive system and I do not need all of the electronic component details that I am receiving from our board (PC) supplier. I have tried to create a "shrinkwrap" of the pc boards, but I am getting errors about missing surfaces. Does anyone have a solution?

shrink wrap should just make a part out of all the solid geometry. Did you try to change some of the settings? To narrow down to the specific problem you might try to cut the assembly in half or smaller and try to shrink wrap the small half. Then move the cut around till the shrinkwrap fails.
Edited by: design-engine
Hi Bart,

I am posting for another colleague and we discussed that as being an alternative to trying to make a shrink wrap of the entire assembly... will let you know the outcome on Monday!

Is it an idf import that you received from the board house? A shrinkwrap should work fine, I've used it a million times. Does the component detail consist of realistic models (for example, through-hole components) or are they just square blocks/smt's?

Got a screenshot of your geometry & errors? I'm sure we can get this one figured out pretty easily.


