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I need help with a fill surface


New member
I'm trying to replicate something from an SW demo movie, that actually made me think SW was the right choice for me. The guy in the movie creates a fill surface between 2 surfaces that are joined at their corners like it's easy for SW and no problem at all, see picture below:

Now I tried to do the same, and after 4 hours of growing annoyance I couldn't get it done. I made surfaces just like the green ones in the demo movie, but when I make a fill surface between them SW stubbornly refuses to make it have curvature continuity with the adjoining surfaces, even when I tell it to. See pictures below.

I can;t understand why it does not work, because I've made sure that wherever 2 curves meet they have c2 continuity to eachother. How do I successfully create the fill surface shown in the demo movie?

Any chance you could send me your model to michael I'll have a look and see if I can figure it out. I'm using SW2006


I''m using SW 2007-2008, is it backward compatible with SW 2006? If not, then I can make a simple step by step guide to recreating my problem because it's quite simple to build.
Its not backward compatible, but if you save it out as an IGES file with the skecthes I can use the information.


That is not so difficult. You set up the model already? Just make sure the edges of the surface touch and the fill surfaces should work perfectly. Then add another curve for the contour. I was able to achieve the curvature continuity like the impressive demo. I tried to one up the example myself by adding curve handles that are projected onto the surface so the internal curve has something to adhere too.

I am undecided if I like this tool and since solidworks does not display insolines nor tangency lines. The way to verify if this surface option for this specific case is acceptable under my standards I would export the part to Alias Studio via IGES or STEP.
Edited by: design-engine
Michael I just sent the model, but I don't know how the get the sketch curves in the IGES exported model.

design-engine: There must be something I'm not doing right, but the surfaces in my model touch at the corners. What do you mean by touch at the edges? In the demo movie I saw the surfaces touch at the corners.Can you send me the file with your replication of the SW demo model? I think the way surfaces are constructed is essential and I don't know how. If I can look through your model I'll understand quickly.

By the way, in the image below I show the curves used to contruct the surfaces. image for full view)

What could go wrong in this sort of contruction?
Edited by: Vertex_Assassin

