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I think i like it.


New member
Hi, i'm a Pro/E newbie here trying to learn Pro/E after purchasing an
old student edition of Pro/E 2000i. After playing around a bit and
doing some basic tutorials on using it, i find that this is a really
cool modeling program. I've tried doing 3D in AutoCad and some others
but i find this one has been fairly easy to learn so far, but i know i
have only been scratching the surface. Here's a model engine cylinder
that i did, after 2 hours of total learning time with it. I think i'm
really going to like this nifty piece of software.
View attachment 1146View attachment 1147
Great job, that's reaaly good for 2 hours.

Welcome to the MCAD forum, if you have any question feel free to post in the appropriate forum.

There is a great cross-section of knowledge in this forum, lot's of great info.

Welcome again

Its a POWERFUL tool, but does have its flaws, as do all. Learn how to make robust models, and find workarounds when you do encounter a bug, and you will do well. Its good stuff. ENJOY!!!!
Thanks, i will be coming here often probably to find answers to
questions i will have and to just to read posts and hopefully see pics
of what others have done with this great CAD tool.

