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IGES file from Rhino


New member
I have this IGES file that I need to convert to ProE (I believe it was created using Rhino - lots of schwoopy surfaces). After the conversion I would than need to create 2 ProE parts consisting of a top and lower.

Any recommendations? What works for you?

I am not very familiar with Surfaces, so any advice you can give would
be appreciated.

Wildfire 2.0

first file open and select iges from filter box and selcet the part and then open

after that selcet the part to convert the iges into proe part file

now just save it as part file

Beyond converting, to get your 2 halves this is what you should do.

1. The converted file becomes the master of your 2 halves you will create
2. Create a surface in the master, where the 2 parts are suppose to be split
3. Create a new part top
4. In top, Insert->Shared Data->merge from other model->pick the master
5. Pick the split surface ->Solidify->remove material, keep the top half
6. Create a new part lower
7. In lower, Insert->Shared Data->merge from other model->pick the master
8. Pick the split surface ->Solidify->remove material, keep thelower half

Now the lower and top parts are linked to the master part that you read in with your iges file. Anything you add to that master file will show up in the 2 halves. But of course to do all of this I think you need AAX (Advanced Assembly Extension)

Good luck


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