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impending layoffs....

Well I just got the axe... I new it was coming, just didn't know when. My company's work is 90% automotive. With them hurting we are hurting.

Hope everybody stays employed and God bless!
Lots of medical up there...Get that resume fixed up then I would...Contract agencies should all have a call by now.

1 Read up on medical standards with respect to plastics etc.
2 familiarize yourself with how electronics are tested and approved in the medical industry
3 By tomorrow you should be able to list out 15 medical companies that use SW or Pro/E as a base engineering tool.
4 By Monday you should be able to list out 5 ID firms in MN that specialize in medical products.
5 ...
Edited by: design-engine
Hang in there Adam. Judging by ur posts, you've got a good handle on Pro/E. No one's going to forget the good work you did because there's a permanent record of it on MCCentral.

I wonder if there are any CAD jobs in the public sector? Universities, municipalities, trade groups, etc. Seems that sector should be expanding now that the government is taking over everything.
medical is stable and huge in MN! I could list 10 medical companies in MN off the top of my head and I live in Chicago.
Thanks for the support guys. My boss is writing me a letter of recomendation to send out with my resume. I have been looking at the medical companies but have not seen any with openings. I am going to send a resume to them anyways and hope for the best! I am also going to send it to a couple of contract houses and see what they have. the metro area is 2 hour drive so that is the bad part. But I am willing to drive. There is no job openings with any 3d modeling at all in the Brainerd area where I live.

I will keep you updated with the progress. I am going to put allot of miles on tomorrow so hopefully I get something out of it!

To bad the wife is at home with the kid, if she had a full time job I would be able to sit at home and enjoy the rocking chair money!

