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Implementing Model Check for my Pro/E Mod


New member
Hai all, can any one guide me how to implement Model Check to check the Parameters available in Pro/E to be used by all the users.

Since most of my users avoid filling the parameters available, it becomes difficult for us to search the Pro/E document using Paraameters. We are using Windchill PDMLink 7.0 as Data management system.


ModelCheck can be quite the chore to set up.

In your start.mcs file, put the parameters to be checked.

prt_parameter ptc_common_name str

asm_parameter ptc_common_name str

This will check forptc_common_name ito bea string value.

Good luck!
Thank you looslib for your reply. also i have an another doubt about is there any possibility to constrain the value of the parameter to a set of standard values or even a single value?
You can create restricted value parameters that use definitions from a restriction definition file.

To load the restriction definition file, specify the path to that file by setting the restricted_val_definition configuration option.

