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Import/Export problems


New member
I am getting a problem while trying to import or export files into my workspace. whenever i do this , it says " External application not found or incorrect parameters passed to the application" though i have my ldb path and proe path correct. I am using Intralink 3.4 f001 and wildfire 2.0 on windows platform. can anybody solve this
<DIV>When we upgraded from Pro/E 2001 to WildFire 3, we too found problems with import & export. In 2001, import/export was implimented with a special Intralink command. Now, it also uses Pro/E itself. That's right. Import & Export will launch a batch session of Pro/E. We found 2 problems which could cause the Pro/E session to fail, or not launch at all:</DIV>
<DIV>1) Edit the text file <wildfire-install>\bin\mdimpex.bat. Look at line 73 where "THE_ARG"must bedefined as the psf file for Wildfire (when used with Intralink). Often, this defaults to something other than what your psf command is.</DIV>
<DIV>2) Because Pro/E is launched, your toolkit applicaions get launched as well. Some of ours would noy initialize in the batch environment, and caused the entire batch session to fail. Therefore, we disabled toolkit app by moving the protk.dat files elsewhere.</DIV>
whenever i want to work in proe part model files out of intralink workspace, i have to export to the local disk.(currently i am using backup command from the workspace proe session to save huge assemblies but ihave open each and every drawings also to haveit in local hard disk (my documents folder)).

also, whenever i create files newly (without logging into intralink) in my harddrive, i need to import those files to my workspace so that i can check-in those files to the commonspace.

Rightnow, i cannot import or export.

this is not a problem of having characters like 'space' in proe installation path or something like that. i guess there may be an environment variable or something similar missing.
Why do you need to work without Intralink? It is possible to work in "workspace" without any connection to Intralink server. Just start Intralink client but do not login. When you start ProE if will ask you to loin to Intralink. Just cancel it 1 or 2 times. Now you can work in ProE just like if you had login.

Back to your question:) I would try to start ptcsetup for both Intralink client and ProE. Perhaps there is something missing in the last installation.
Just work within Intralink. Create a local workspace, download your files and do your WF thing. When done, save your files to the local workspace and then check them back into the Intralink server.

What build of WF2 are using? There were some export/import/backup issues at early builds.

One thing else to check is your PATH statement. Be sure that older (or newer) Pro/E install locations are not in the path before the Wildfire2 loadpoint one.
I've run into this problem as well. I found if I remove the space between Wildfire and 2.0 on installation, everything works fine.
c:\program files\ptc\wildfire 2.0 (default installation)
change to look like the following
c:\program files\ptc\wildfire2.0
Yes It really "GRIPES" me that PTC can't seem to fix the import/export issues in Pro/E. I just spent an hour trying to do this then finally gave up. I found that using "backup" is the only way. Very frustrating


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