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Import Parameters


New member
Can anybody tell me if its possible to import parameters in to a model?
I see you can export from the parameter's window but no option to
import. I would like to create some pre-defined parameters and then
import them in when needed so I don't have to create them everytime.
You can put them in your template models.

You should be able to use ModelCheck after the fact.

The method I prefer (ModelCheck requires understanding and setup) is to create a set of relations in a text file (for future use) then paste them into the target part(s). Update Relations and then delete them, leaving the parameters.

You might search the forum. Know this has gotten occasional discussion and you might come across something better.
Another easy way to do this is using Pro/Program.

Open your part, go to "Program" and "Edit design"

Write your param names and type between the lines "Input" and "End input"

The program will then prompt for values everytime you regenerate.
Options for that input are "Current values" "Enter" and "Read file"

"Current values", keep values as they are
"Enter", pick which params to update and enter values manually
"Read file", enter file name (text format)

