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Import Pro/E (Student) into Blender


New member
I'm using a Student Version of WF3 at home, and don't see the .slp format which blender has listed in its list of import files. Blender doesn't open .igs which is what I would usually use when exporting for Rhino.

Any ideas which file format I can export to with Pro/E to open in Blender?
neuronex said:
I'm using a Student Version of WF3 at home, and don't see the .slp format which blender has listed in its list of import files. Blender doesn't open .igs which is what I would usually use when exporting for Rhino.

Any ideas which file format I can export to with Pro/E to open in Blender?

I usually export in Wavefront (.OBJ) format for importing in polygon based software (Lightwave, Hypershot ecc). I think blender can import it


