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import txt point cloud files


New member
I would like to import a point file (txt file) written in three columns as x y z into wildfire 3. I know that it is possible to import ibl, pts, vtx or acs point files, but I have usual txt file.
Or how to convert txt file into pts, ibl, vtx or acs file. There must be some way to do it, because point cloud files should be inputed into Facet feature modelling.
Can anybody help me?

Thank you for answers
I can use "INSERT" >> "RESTYLE" but what next ? I don't find any suitable option or command to import TXT point cloud ?

Can you explain ut ?

Thank you
yes, make sure your txt file is in the right nominclature, then change the extension to .pts, should be able to read it into the offset coordinate system datum point tool
csusie said:
yes, make sure your txt file is in the right nominclature, then change the extension to .pts, should be able to read it into the offset coordinate system datum point tool

Susie may have a point there, but just in case that's not working and they didn't changed the offset coordinate point tool from WF2 then you should be able to just copy paste your entire txt file.

[url] 985&PN=2[/url]

