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Indians Pls Change


New member
Just want to share my view about this form.

IF you take the no of users of proe in India it will stand in the second
position after US

The no of questions asked by the Indians are many

But I really see some Indians answering the Questions

I am very sure that there are so many Indian who have great knowledge in proe.

Butstill they never talk

I think they have to change their attitude

Pls share what you know

Do not search only for answers! Search for Questions also

I have seen some excellent guys likeSkint,Jeff4136, Dougr, Muadib3d

They are cool

they will ask their small doubts and put it for a discussing

My salute for you people

Wish I would have been with you people.

But I know you people have an inner feeling of not to talk with us

I wish may god help you to change your feeling

That is all do not feel bad for what all I wrote


I am ready for the back firings

Tell me your views
With all due respect, Dony,

I have great regard for Srini, who has given numerous input on this forum. Hat off.

Davis, maybe it took them 20 minutes to compose one English sentencewhen asking thier first question, when they get thier desired answer they may not have time to participate in other forum topics.

Maybe they dont have the time to participate in Forum browsing like some of us do. Some companies, especially in India and the Far East,can be very strict on internet usage.

Not just Indians,a lot ofpeoplelogonto a CAD forum to ask a question and once it is solved they disspear without a word of thanks. I just think that its a shame that people dont want to, or dont have time to, stick around and get involved in forum activity after they have taken the time to join up.

For me personally, I like to read everybody`s posts. I like to read everybody`s problems and hope that I can provide a decent answer, like others have done for Me. Eventually, I may even get to meet some of these people and buy them a pint of beer to say thanks !

On my latest thread " Surfacing Course...... " I originally posted it to give people the opportunity to get some surfacing questions answered, but now I realise that tho pro-e pro-s on this forum tend to answer them straight away before I attend my course haha, so now it has become a general thread regarding my progress. Also, some of these threads develop into general discussion threads, a little like Maudib3d ( Jacek`s ) thread, and I for one always encourage active forum activity.

Having said all that.... You Indians do seem a little on the quiet side
. Maybe you will start a new trend in your country and encourage self education by MCAD teaching methods

I agree with the comment above too... Srini has been a great member of MCAD.
Edited by: [-Skint-]
Ya i too noticed him .

He has answered some of my Questions too

Srini-(I do not know whether you are older than me-sorry), You have made an

You are one of a kind

Hats for you

I will become like you one day by answering all questions

Would love to meet you all greate guys

Edited by: davisdony
Yep I was suppose to say that one Davisdony missed SrinivasanIyer and sanjeevkar. Now-a-dayz sanjeevkar is invisible. Expecting sanjeev's return to this forum.

One more thing to all of our MVP's, Please dont reply to all simple queries in the forum.You guyz wait for some time let the peoples like member,contributor and veterans has to reply to those simple queries. Later you MVP'sview the replies and correct them if they were wrong.we get satisfied when we give the solution as a first reply. Their the knowledge improves for the starters in this forum.

The reason why i am telling this thing is once ifwe found any new simple query, we try to dig the answers, then our knowledge gains. Wats happeningis, eagerly i am trying to open it to reply...thrs the disappointment someone already replied for that. Atlast Hats offto all of our MVP's.
Edited by: Asho Pulsar
Hi All,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I am not an expert but, I have honestlyanswered to the posts to which I know the answers. I do not care if someone laughs at my sentences (if they are wrong) I am happy if my answer is of some use to someone. At times I have posted answers with pictures of model done!

I have also asked some strange questions and received answers. Thanks to all...

I am working in service industry; I have to work for my clients' tight schedules. Sometimes Ido not find time tolog in to MCAD for months.

I am not shyif I cannotframe good sentences or I am not an arrogant who disappears without saying a word of thanks!! We too have our own constraints.

OK Davis, thanx

<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Hence forth I will make it practice to visit MCAD regularly and be an active member.[/B]

I think i have touched your setements

I did not mean to do tht

I want to remind that we had a great knowledge long time ago

But now we lost it because in indian tradition they never write and keep

They will try to remember and convay it oraly

That is gurukula teaching in the time of rajas has happened

Do not let that happen once more

And one more thing

I am also an indian
Hi Friends,

Thanks for all your help.

In my opinion, Everybody PLSSEARCH the question or answer beforeasking.

I sawthat some good threadsmade by "Skint, CPstrowki, Design-Engine,...etc...that disappeared from the first page and it's replaced by simple questions.

Sure, Help You Help Me, but pls don'tmess our forum by ur questions.


Edited by: foolmankh
I noticed same situation in regional forum Pro/E related. Usualy, there is no "traffic" there apart of question from "newbies" who tend to disappear for good after obtaining the answer.

From other said, no one starts a thread to share his own "rich" experience. Sometimes such "one" can be caught by "accident" while answering for a question in long post, what is usualy hard to find then, while you have to keep an eye on it for a long time, most without good profit.

If would put a remark - IMHO, I do feel sometimes poeple tends to have an attidute to say as less as possible, to not create a competition for their own.

I do understand this, but I am not buying this. I realize that experince is the personaly value, but if everybody start to keep it, then we can - from this moment - shut down all forums.

That is why I do like and rate highly an attitude which Carmack and Micheal Abrash represented while Quake development - they put their ideas about code at front for community. Results - technology was pushed far away from place Carmack nad Abrash had started.
for davisdony
i read all posts from daily news latter,never even sign in just get what i want...& close the tab of my browser.....
this thread changes that routine

now on u all friends should see some of me

BECAUSE, Mcad has helped me a lot i know that.

& yes...

I think all the other Indian friends will try the same.

Asho Pulsar said:
One more thing to all of our MVP's, Please dont reply to all simple queries in the forum.You guyz wait for some time let the peoples like member,contributor and veterans has to reply to those simple queries. Later you MVP'sview the replies and correct them if they were wrong.we get satisfied when we give the solution as a first reply. Their the knowledge improves for the starters in this forum.

If you don't know the answer, then stay quiet. This forum is not for you to feel good about answering something, but for the users to get CORRECT answers, not wrong ones.
Life is short, Do something

when i started this topic i was thinking what i will get by this -(Nothing!)

Thanks to you dhrupad and who all felt something by reading this.

hoping that you all will put some post in

Pls remember,

When u get in then you know how deep the rabit hole goes

. You have got a great passion and attitude

I enve you

Ops sorry-- just thought of telling like that
dross said:
If you don't know the answer, then stay quiet. This forum is not for you to feel good about answering something, but for the users to get CORRECT answers, not wrong ones.

I would suppose to say like if the reply from the members, contributors and veterans is not clear then MVP's can pop out. EVerything we learn from the mistakes right. Thats what i mentioned directly like that... Even i am also keep quite if i dont know the answer.

Really i feelso happywhen i solved one query. This feel makes you to open mcadcentral browser everyday, check all the posts and tends your brain to learn something new on that day.

Edited by: Asho Pulsar

