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inovate your ars off


New member
Just got a call from a past student that designs new products for retailers. In an effort to innovate... He said he kept his nose to the grindstone and kept new products coming out. Now a major retailer wants 10 of his (his boss owns the company) products on their website. He also mentioned that the competitors lost interest in his specific industry and that his company is kicking ars... all because of innovation and Pro/ENGINEER!

Edited by: design-engine
This has nothing to do with ProE, thats BS. Its all about beeing persistent and his, by now sore, nose.

proE dont make god/better products engineers/designers (and customer demands?) do. Dont take that away from your past student.
I'm not sure what you just said... but it is uplifting to see success from hard work. The designer uses Pro/ENGINEER to communicate one or two different designs per day to marketing. Something he could not do using Alias Studio.
Edited by: design-engine
I probably was a little trigger-happy, and my fingers hasn't kept up with my mind.The ending of the firstsentences is hard to understand even for me

What I'm trying to say that the success is solely due to the effort of the "past student" and not ProE (but obviously his skills in ProE plays a role). Could be for that specific industry that ProE has an advantage, for some reason I don't understand, but I think he could be equally successful with alias.

I think its great that his effort has payed of - respect it!
I'll evenadmit that I'm slightly envious.

The sore nose comment was meant as a joke, since he had kept his nose to the grindstone for some time..... I thought that was funny, but......
There is very good article "Is Computer Design a Substitute for Hands On Experience"out on It is written by Jamie Hyneman ofMythBusters for Popular Mechanics.Very good article aboutCAD is a toolthat cannotreplace real hands-on experience. All of the responses I have seen so far to this article say Jamie hit the nail on the head,CAD tools donot make an engineer/designer.
Pro/E in the hands of an ASC certified mechanic!

Mechanics make for good assistance to engineers... as in the case of a transmission mechanic that was able to ensure the vertical (transition) gun turret of a General Dynamics Tank is easy to work on.... even in the battle field or w/o leaving the safety of the tank. None of the engineers on the team had ever actually worked on a transition except the one ASC certified mechanic.

Edited by: design-engine
dr_gallup said:
All I've ever seen someone do in an engineering situation (not an oil field) with a pipe wrench is F*** something up.

That's funny. I have to admit I go around the house every now & then looking for an excuse to use mine. Something about whenthose threads lock and leverage transfers to torqueto rotation isreal satisfying.

Fittings and connectors aside, its pretty disconcerting to still see layoffs this late in the recession. We'll get a better picture of things this week, but I can't help but get the feeling we're at a bit of a crossroads. Cost cutting & rightsizing can only go so far when the deck is so stacked against innovation and business is seen as evil.
"I need to go to home depot and buy a tool box.... because you guys are all tools"

A made up joke from an engineer in Colorado.I laughed out loud but I think I was the only one.
blackj said:
There is very good article "Is Computer Design a Substitute for Hands On Experience"out on It is written by Jamie Hyneman ofMythBusters for Popular Mechanics.Very good article aboutCAD is a toolthat cannotreplace real hands-on experience. All of the responses I have seen so far to this article say Jamie hit the nail on the head,CAD tools donot make an engineer/designer.

Can you provide a direct link to the article? I can't seem to find it on the website link you provided.

