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insert mode in WF


New member
Is there an easy and quick way to get into and out of insert mode in WF 2.0? In SW, I got really used to just right clicking the feature in the model tree that I wanted to insert before, right clicking and then picking <Insert>. When you're done, you can then just right click in the model tree and either <Roll Forward> to move the insert pointer after the next feature in the tree or <Roll to End> to quickly exit insert mode.

I'm finding in WF that I'm constantly dragging the insert pointer up and down my model tree which isn't very fast. Am I missing something that makes this easier? I've only been back on Pro for about 5 weeks so I'm learning but I'm still suffering from some efficiency issues.

Thanks for the help.
You might consider making (a) mapkey(s) for Edit, Feature Operations / Component Operations.

You are also aware you can RMB the Insert Pointer and Cancel to resume all?

.... an afterthought: I don't often see it mentioned, but using the Group functionality is really handy for managing long feature or component lists.
Edited by: jeff4136
i have a map key made to do it for me

i highlight the feature i want to suppress

edit/component operation/insert mode/activate
Jeff -

Nice tip about the RMB on the Insert pointer. That's the beauty of this forum. Learning the little things like that. I use the group functionality all the time in larger assemblies. Group each part or sub-assembly with the hardware needed to mount it. Makes it easy to find and replace any hardware.

