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Inserting Blueprint - how?


New member
I have seen the great renders from other, now I would like to try - however I have a long way to go. I have D/L a blueprint (gif format) but I'm not sure how do I get this into Pro. I see that some posters have said that a tutorial will be written - wondering if this has been done yet?

I presume that you intend to place the sideview blueprint of say a Car, onto a sketching plane into something like the " Style " command ?

Funnily enough I have just had my first play around with the Style tool (ISDX). Its very complex, but WOW what a powerful tool. Anyway, to import the blueprint you must then select the follwing :

Styling ( top menu ) : Trace Sketch : Select your plane F/R/T : Choose the blueprint from saved location.

Once you have inserted the blueprint, you then have to rotate and move to its desired location.

Hope that gives you some idea ?
there is another way which is a little messier if you havent got isdx..

create a surface and apply your image as a decal to it - just be careful not to reference it otherwise you cant suppressor delete it!

not an ideal workaround but it works!

