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installing ProE add-ons


New member
Goodday all,

I posted this to the admin forum but received no replies, only forty-something views. Usually there is better response here.

I have the licenses for AAX and ISDX, but accidentally uninstalled Pro a while ago.I got the basic Pro running, and luckily haven't had to use the add-ons yet for my current customer. I tried to reinstall the add-on modules, but can't figure out how to do this. I don't have maintenance any more, so I can't get help from that quarter.

Can anyone give me some guidance?


Usually, you can reinstall by using the disk & running the setup program again, including the additional addins.

I am fairly certain that AAX is not an add-in option, so by installing the basic ProE, as long as you have a license of AAX, you should be able to use it.

Maybe you should check the active license file to be sure that you are looking at the license that has the add-ins in.
AAX and ISDX are not addtional installation sub features, I believe they are just "unlocked" from your license. Run ptcsetup from the proe bin directory and make sure in your addtional license configurations you have the AAX and ISDX options selected to run.
Thanks a lot for the replies,

I'll try this when I have a chance. I'm in a rush today.

From within the bin folder you look for the setup file.... During setup I think you just point to a directory where the ARX is located.
The only things you need to point at where they are installed is mechanica and Intralink.

AAX and ISDX is a licensing issue only.
Thanks for the replies,

I'm still not able to get the installation going.

Here is a screen shot of the license file. It came up the same as last time I installed it. I don't want to wreck my existing install, as it works, but without AAX and ISDX. Any ideas?

Edited by: sip
just because it is listed there doesnt mean it is selected to run. When you get to a page with a bunch of check boxes, check the additional license configuration box. Then on the next screen edit the current configuration and make sure everything is moved from the avaliable license side to the selected to run side.

If it still doesnt work show me a screen shot of that page.
When you go to the next screen (or maybe the one after that), it will ask you if you want to do some additional tasks, one of which is configure your license. Do that and it will let you join theextensions to the foundation license.

This is a key step that they don't explain very well, easy to miss.
Thanks very much! I got it to work.

I instructed the program to not recopy all the files again, and the installation took only a few minutes. Now when I click the icon for WF3 on my desktop it comes up witha dialogue asking me to choose deafault orProE2. Anyone know why? Is the only way to prevent this by copying the files from CD?

No its because you have 2 configurations in the screenshot 2 messages above.

Its very helpful if you have a limited number of licenses and multiple users. Lets say you had 5 baselicenses but only 3 mechanism design extensions.

Normally you should set up a launch command that gets just the base license and another configuration that launches and gets the base plus the mechanism extension.

It makes it possible for you to choose what you get when you launch and not the first 3 people get everything and the 2 late are just out of luck.

