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insufficient geometry

If you haven't made any solid geometry yet and didn't click the surface icon before entering sketcher, Pro|E is assuming that you are trying to make a protrusion, which needs a closed sketch. Same thing will happen if you are trying to make a thin protrusion but didn't check thin before entering sketcher. Here's what you do:
<LI>Close the sketch and exit sketcher.</LI>
<LI>Change the feature from protrusion to surface, or from solid to thin.</LI>
<LI>Go back into your sketch and delete the geometry used to close the sketch.</LI>
<LI>Exit sketcher and complete the feature.</LI>[/list]

It's annoying that Pro|E can create either surface or solid, but it assumes solid and then ties you up with those restrictions. I run into this all the time.
I'm only trying to draw a single curve that I will later use in a boundary blend though. That is, I'm not in sketcher mode as part of creating an extrusion or anything.

UPDATE: For some reason, it seemed to accept my geometry when I just tried the same thing again later

Edited by: 2ms1
I`ve seen this many times Tomas, specialy when option Use edge was in use. So, the most reasons for such message was using edges based on splines by Use edge.

Sometimes, such copied profile contains discontinuity, and this provides such problems.

the same exist when you try to join splines in sketcher. they seem to be joined, but in fact they are not.

try to make it by one spline, or may be create "joined" splines by Curve trough points to handle curvature in "joint" point


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