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Interactive Java Application in NX Unigraphix

Hi Everyone!
First of all, since it is my first post: I am Rob, and i am happy to be part of this forum!
Short presentation, i know, i tried to look for a presentation post, but without success!

Let's talk about the reason for which i'm writing..

I've been asked to develop in JAVA an internal NX Unigraphic tool, so i am trying to understand if it can be done as the client requires.
I succesfully loaded a jar from Nx, either run it, thanks to NXOpen API, what it's not clear to me is how to give control to the user and get it back after he makes his job
1) User clic a certain button
2) program creates a sketch and pass the control to the user which has to draw a rectangle
3) User creates the rectangle as it would does when using Nx in modeling
4) control is given back to the program which continues its own stuffs

I am reading the NX Java Open API, but documentation is not that much.
Thank you in advance for any answer or link which can help me understanding this world :D


