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Interchange asy’s and Backup


New member
Does anyone have any experience of backing up assemble's thathave interchange asy's in their family tables? The problem I seem to be having is when we backup the uppermost assembly (if completed-the drawing) some of the lower levelfamily table instances (interchange asy's)do not come with them.


I don't understand. Interchange Assemblies and Family Tables of Assemblies are two different functionalities. Which are you using?

Your right. I should have stated that we are using the interchange asy's in conjunction with the family tables. We created an interchange asy that has2 different part numbers with their own family tables. This interchange asy was used in an upper level asy that has it's own family table. These asy's get fairly complicated, so to clean up the files, we will backup the uppermost asy to another directory, or if another user needs to work on these models, they will backup these asy's into their directory. This is when we have noticed that the interchange asy did not completely come with the asy's.

It's weird, because the instances do not fail when you open them. The instances will reference the generic part of the interchange asy, but the interchange asy file does not come with it. It also leaves the secondpart that is brought into the interchange. For example: I create the interchange andassemble partA. I thenassemble part B.Referencepart A in theupper level asy models. Create a family table and change out theapproiate parts A and B init's instances. When we backup the asy,it pullspart Afile only.I'm hoping that there is string or a yes or no statmentthat can be added tothe that will correct this.

I'm also concerned that our third party data management software may have issues with using interchange asy's. Another subject all together!!!

The reason we were looking at this setup is due to our current numbering system (well since the '60's). It is made up of 8 digits with the 6 being thedriver ofgeneric models and drawings. The last 2 digits are for similar parts with minor differences. The problem we have is we have parts thathave max outthe 99 possible numbers and we created new 6 digit of similar parts.For example: steel flat bars with different lengths.Design wise we are looking at new numbering schemes for new product lines. However, we are also updating our older product lines to current design standards. Pro-e models being part of this update.

Hope this sheds a little more light on the history.
I believe Pro/E will only back up what is "required" for regeneration. The interchange assemblyand unused models in itaren't required sothey aren't included in the backup. I don't know of any config option to change this behavior. So you will have to track the interchange assemblies on your own.

You probably don't want to hear this, but Pro/INTRALINK allows you to retrieve "all" associated files. Thus, it retrieves the interchange assemblies too. I don't know what 3rd party systems do in this case. If they rely on Pro/ENGINEER to track the relationships, they probably won't pull the interchange groups. You will have to test it to be sure.

The family table functionality is not limited to 99 instances. Why don't you add new instances with the new part numbers to the existing tables? I probably don't fully understand.

Hope this helps
meadows- i pretty near certain you are correct on both the backup requirments and intralink matters.
Thanks, I was afraid of that! With the new product lines, we have been looking at adding another digit.

Well, as far as data management. My understanding is thatwe are looking at yet another 3rd party software to manage our files!!!

