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interior volume


New member
Is there a quick direct way in ProE to measure interior volume?

I am designing some tanks that have some curyness to them, so hand calcs would be to tedious. Initially I made the shape of the interior, tweaked it match the desired volume and then modeled a seperate part with the same geometry as its interior void. Now after making some changes and also making a few different versions I would like to quickly verify the volume.


In your actual assembly, assemble the dummy solid of dimension larger than interior of your tank.

Now perform "Cutout" operation on dummy and calculate its volume.

The cutout was the easiest way I could think of also. If anyone knows of a direct method that does not involve creating another model, please post it.

I remember seeing a post about this before but could not find it when I searched old topics. If anyone finds that please post a link to that.

Edited by: airion
with ur model.

1)create a model anaylsis feature. one sided volume. and get a value

2)create ur shell of ur model and do step one

3) subtract these 2 values and u have the volume of ur model.

hope this helps
The above picture is not what I'm looking for. A a sphere that diameter has 26 in^3 volume. The volume shown on that drawing is just the container itself.

Think of it like a beer bottle. I don't want to know what the bottle itself weighs, I want to know how much beer will fit in it.

To elaborate on your method, it seems you are suggesting I create a solid contatiner and all the outside features, then create all the features that remove material from the inside and group them. Check mass properties before and after that group and get your answer. This sounds reasonable, but for such a simple thing I would think ProE would have a feature to do this quickly with having to suppress or regenerate anything.
This is just an example from my personal files i'm just trying to see if I'm in the same page meaning same topic.
your not suppressing anything. doing it the way i specified

in the model tree u should get something like

View attachment 580

1)if u think of a beer bottle which is made as a solid, and you get the volume from it

2) shell it

3) get a new volume of the model

4) subtract the 2 values. .. .

anyways i found a tutorial for it that i had. give me a email address and i will sent it to u
Puppet: Thanks for your help.

Kvision: That video was great. I recommend that anyone interested in this topic definitely watch it.



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