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hi guys

anybody there who knows how to use internal datum as reference?

Means datum will not appear in the model tree. It will only appear during edit definition of the feature.
when you arecreating a , for ex, "extrude", just pause and create the datum, and it will be an "internal datum".

It also depends on which version of pro/E you are using.

Edited by: tobbo
Have you got model tree features turned on?

I'm using WF2, and when I create a feature with internal Datums, it automatically gets grouped in my model tree, like this:

DTM1 can be selected from the model tree as a reference.

Edited by: neuronex
Oops. Didn't see your second picture. The pink blinded me. I'm not sure how it is with later / older WF versions...but the internal datum should be grouped with the feature or listed somewhere in the model tree.

Which version of WF are you running?
I think he is asking if you can use the internal datum of one of the earlier features in his model tree as a reference forthe feature he is creating. I'm not sure you can do that. Internal datums show up under the feature in WF3 & 4.
Edited by: kdem
To pull the datum out of an earlier feature you can highlight the feature that the datum was created, rmb and ungroup. That will make the datum its own feature and not embedded into the previous feature. You can then use this datum for anything.

Old versions of Pro|E, like tobbo said, did not show the internal datums at all. They did not appear on screen until you edited teh feature and did not appear in the model tree at all. There's no way to create that behavior now, datums on the fly are either auto-grouped with the feature in early versions of WF or embedded inside the feature in the tree in later versions of WF.
thanks for that Dough. Pretty sure thats the answer Ive been looking.

By the way i'm using wildfire 2.0/3.0/4.0 & 5.0. I don't have have that much experience in older pro/e versions. Maybe PTC has done such improvements to wildfire versions that every feature will appear in the model tree. Thats why they call it parametric.

Thanks guys. All comments appreciated.

