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Intralink 3.4 and Virtual Servers


New member
Is anyone running Intralink 3.4 M030 on a Virtual Server (VMWare) platform? Our IT department would like us to move our Intralink database onto a new Blade server.It is a striped Raid 5 configuration with 4 large drives. PTC says this platform is not supported. I would like to know if there are any major issues with this server configuration running Intralink 3.4. Is it stable, are there issues with database getting corrupt, etc? I have tested it, and check out and check in times seem to be 2 to 3 times slower than our existing server. For example a 2500 components assembly takes2 minutes to check out on our existing server and it takes 4 to 6 minutes on the virtual server. Other than that I haven't seen any other problems.

I apologize if this has been asked before, but I did not find this topic in the data management forum.

Thanks for everyone's help!



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