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Intralink 8.0

We are presently using Intralink 3.3 with Pro Engineer Wildfire 2.0. We are a research and development firm with about 20 users.
Hey beamer,

Are you having some kind of specific problem with Intralink 3.3? If you are going to upgrade, and with a rather small organization such as yours, I would goto Intralink 3.4 (M030). The migration is pretty straight-foward when going from Intralink 3.3 to 3.4 and Intralink 3.4 M030 will continue to work on Pro/Engineer versions thru WF 3.0. HOWEVER, I am not sure if PTC is supplying the Intralink 3.4 to non-existing users of the 3.4 line, so thats why I asked if you were having some specific problems with Intralink 3.3 OR do you desire some of its new features becuase there are apparently many.

According to PTC, Intralink 8.0 is really a totally different animal than the 3.x series. Therefore, the migration is not easy at all. In fact, a whole site has been dedicated to this (for the most part). On the other hand, it is supposed to offer alot of great (for some people) new features. I don't know all the new features personally.

So here my opinion,

If your organization is looking at the possiblity of going to Pro/Engineer 3.0 anytime within this year or the next, its probably a good idea to look at Intralink 8.0. PTC does not support 3.3 on WF 3.0.

If you desire enough new features in the Intralink 8.0 series to justify the cost and time you need to devote to migrating your Intralink 3.3 data (esp. if you have a large database and alot of traffic in/out), the look at Intralink 8.0.

These are kinda general, but the underlying fact is the road to 8.0 can be a difficult one (apparently). Our organization is not moving yet for this reason.

A great place to start with Intralink 8.0 (if you haven't seen it already) is here:
<a href="" target="_blank" target="_blank"></a>

PTC employees contribute to this site often and (although biased towards the migration to 8.0 despite the difficulties) lists some cool features.

Hope this helps.

Edited by: acook
My organization is also looking at the possibility of moving to 8.0 from 3.3, and are about the same size organization. We have an activeservice plan, therefore my understanding is that the upgrade would be free, so why not take advantage of some of the features right?

However I have heard that Intralink 8.0 is actually missing some of the functionality that 3.x had, but nothing specific.Does anyone know of any specific drawbacks in functionality that 8.0 has?
PTC calls it a Free upgrade. The software comes with your maintenance, but you need consulting to get through it (about $25k US). Later they introduced some type of training/prep kit that shows you how to do it. Its about as free as the 5 day cruise you win in a drawing at your local home show.
Hey all-

I agree with FishNut on this one. I know other organizations that have made the switch and tried to let their IT dept (which have handeled several older Intralink migrations) do it alone. Out of 3 of them, 2 needed to get this "consulting" through PTC. I do not know how much they paid for it, but for PTC around several tens thounsands of dollars sounds right. The company that didn't use the PTC consulting service "botched" the install the first time (luckily only on a test environment) and eventually got it with the second. Apparently a jump from Intralink 3.4 to 8.0 was such a burden forseen by PTC that they developed their own site for it (which may just be a marketing gimmick for exposure) as I have posted above. Some resources on the page require an active maintenance subscription with PTC.

For tjallen29, here is two links from that same site concerning the diferences between Intralink 3.4 and 8.0.

[url] bold_3.htm[/url]
<a href="" target="_blank"> bold_6.htm</a>

For those wanting some reasons whether to go one way or another see these:

[url] bold_11.htm[/url]
<a href="" target="_blank"> hoemaker_1.htm</a>

These links do NOT require an active maintenance contract with PTC to access.

Hope this helps.

We have about 9 users and went to Intralink 8.0 from Intralink 3.4 about 5 months ago. We are very disappointed to say the least.

There are a lot of missing features and things that just don't make sense. The Duplicate command was removed and replaced with the "save as" command, which doesn't allow you to update parent.

I would do some more research before you do the switch. The PTC website does a good job of telling you the good things, but there are definately more bad than good.

That is our groups opinion anyway (and I don't think we are alone).....

[url] 788&PN=1[/url]


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